
02. Light in the Darkness of Sin

When we see that darkness of our sin, we can either cope and avoid it with artificial light or… We c

December 5, 2021 • Demetrius Nathan • Romans 3:9–18

Advent is a time of reflection on our need for the light of Christ in the darkness of sin, but we have a difficulty in understanding our hearts. We often try to utilize artificial light to help us navigate the darkness of the world and our heart, but it cannot take us out of the darkness. This sermon is about how dark our sin really is in each of us, and how precious it is that true light has come into our hearts and will expel the darkness forever.

Application Questions:

1. Why do we need the Light of Christ to shine in the depths of our hearts?

2. What are the artificial lights you are tempted to make as idols in your life?

3. How does the truth that Jesus is the light of the world change how you look at the darkness of sin in your life?

More from Advent 2021

04. Light in the Darkness of Death

December 19, 2021 • Reggie Austin • Genesis 5

The darkness of death is the natural culmination and pinnacle of the darkness of sin and suffering.  It is an overbearing weight.  But the coming of the true light in the person and work of Jesus rescues us from this burden and frees us from death's grip, to give back the life we were meant to have. Application Questions: 1. What are some ways you avoid thinking about death? 2. How does meditating on the true light of Christ coming into the world help you to treasure Him more in your everyday life? 3. What are some ways you can “number your days” so you can gain a heart of wisdom?

03. Light in the Darkness of Suffering

December 12, 2021 • Brian Colmery • Psalm 13

The darkness of suffering is real, complex, and something we all struggle to deal with. Advent points us away from our attempts to cope with suffering on our own to Jesus Christ, the true light, who overcomes the darkness. While our suffering is still real and deeply painful, Jesus walks with us as one who suffered for us.  Application Questions: 1. How do you try to cope with suffering by controlling it, denying it, or not thinking about it? In what ways does that help, and in what ways does that not help? 2. What is your experience with lament in prayer? 3. What would change if you thought more regularly about how Jesus will one day remove all suffering? 4. What stands out to you the most about the ways Jesus transforms our suffering here and now?

01. The Eternal Light

November 28, 2021

Advent is a time of reflection on our need for the light of Christ in a dark world, but we don’t always feel that need in our bones. We need to meditate on the brightness of the Light and the depth of the darkness to move Advent from our heads to our hearts to our lives. This sermon looks at the beginning of John’s gospel to get a sense of the brightness of the Light of Christ, and what it means that he would enter a dark world. Application Questions: 1. Is it ever hard for you to "feel" the reality of Advent, even if you believe it's true? Why do you think that is? 2. What stands out to you most about Christ's brightness as the Word of God? Can that bring a helpful perspective to what's happening in your life now? 3. The Light came into the darkness out of love for you. How can that change the way you handle your hopes, disappointments, and other things affecting you this holiday season?