
12. Seeing Him

"When we see him as he is, we will wonder why we ever wanted anything else"

July 18, 2021 • Brian Colmery

In the midst of a rich passage, John gives us the different elements that we need for real, deep, meaningful change and growth. They range from the new birth to eternal hope, but all center on the person of Christ and the transforming love God has for his children. 

Application Questions:

1. If you want to change or grow, how do you normally go about trying? 

2. Do you feel like you have a relationship with God, or a relationship with ideas about God? What’s the difference?

3. What are some practical ways you can relocate your hope on seeing God in eternity? How might that reshape your life now?

23. Knowing the True God

October 10, 2021 • Matt Kleinhans • 1 John 5:18–21

John concludes the letter of 1st John by reminding us of the truths that assure our hearts: Jesus protects us from the evil one, we are from God, and we know Him who is true. These truths give us confidence to follow Christ in the midst of a fallen world, keeping ourselves from idols by abiding in Jesus. Application Questions 1. Why is it so important that in Christ we have a new nature? 2. How does it change your life to know that God protects you in the midst of a fallen world? 3. What are practical ways you can build your life on the God who is Truth? 4. How have you become complacent in your walk with God? What steps can you take to revitalize your relationship with Him?

22. Praying for Others

October 3, 2021 • Scott Mehl • 1 John 5:13–17

When we talk to God we can know that he hears us and that he will answer us.  And when we ask for his kingdom to come and transform our hearts, we can know that he will do it.  Therefore, when we pray for one another we can do so expecting God to produce the redemption we desire.  Prayer is the Christian's superpower. Application Questions: 1. In what way might God be drawing you deeper into your relationship with him through prayer? 2. How should the confidence you can have shape your prayers? 3. How can you more intentionally use the privilege of your relationship and communication with God to bless your brothers and sisters in Christ? 4. Where do you see sin in the lives of your brothers and sisters that you can take confidently to God in prayer?

21. Confident Prayer

September 26, 2021 • Demetrius Nathan • 1 John 5:13–15

Application Questions: 1. What is prayer, and why is it an essential spiritual discipline? 2. If God has answered your greatest need (you being separated from Him), what are some of the reasons that keep you from bringing your other concerns and needs to Him? 3. What does it mean to ask anything according to His will (1 John 5:14)?