
Session 8: Roundtable, Exploring the Implications

May 21, 2022

What do we do now? Brian, Meredith, and Scott explore the ways the Bible's understanding of manhood and womanhood apply to our lives practically in the world, the home, and the church.

Session 1: Why We Need to Talk about Men and Women

May 21, 2022

Manhood and womanhood are hard to talk about for all sorts of reasons, from personal to political. But we need to talk about it, because it affects all of our lives in multiple ways. And we need to see how the Bible speaks to us on this issue.

Session 2: Exploring Scripture, Genesis 1-2

May 21, 2022

When the Bible speaks directly about gender, it appeals to the first chapters of Genesis. By entering into the story of creation, we find rich answers to the questions of what it means to be man and woman.

Session 3: Unpacking the Definitions

May 21, 2022

Definitions of manhood and womanhood aren't perfect, but they are helpful. In this session Brian, Meredith, and Scott take turns reflecting on the definitions provided in the previous session to see how we should (and shouldn't) understand them.