
02. How to Be a Multilingual Church

“What we are is a family, and God is calling us to live like it.”

June 9, 2019

God has made us a family from among all sorts of different ethnicities, cultures, and even languages. In a linguistically diverse place like Los Angeles, we have the opportunity and blessing to live life cross-lingually with our brothers and sisters in Christ as a part of one local church. But, how do we do that? What does that practically look like? How do you build a relationship with someone who speaks a different language? Where do we start?

Application Questions

1. How can you best engage in our unity Sundays in a way that blesses your brothers or sisters that speak either Spanish or Farsi?
2. How might God be calling you to use your resources to serve and care for your brothers and sisters who speak different languages than you?
3. How might God be calling you to use your gifts to serve and care for your brothers and sisters who speak different languages than you?
4. What are steps you could take to build relationships with your brothers and sisters whose heart language is different than yours?

01. Why Be a Multilingual Church

June 2, 2019

Cornerstone is committed to being a multi-ethnic and multilingual local church. But why? Being a multilingual church is incredibly difficult, and there are always going to be divisions in this world, so why bother? But Christ calls us to do hard things for the sake of the gospel, and the local church is meant to be the in-breaking of the Kingdom of God on earth, a multilingual community declaring the message of the gospel and the supremacy of Christ in all things. Application Questions 1. What are some ways it might be hard for you to be a part of a multilingual church? 2. Where in your life are you actively pursuing doing“hard things” (laying down your life) for the sake of Christ? 3. Why does language matter so much to God? Why should it matter to us? 4. How is the Bible's view of the church different from your own view? What are ways that should change how you live as part of the church?

03. The Necessity of Unity

June 16, 2019

We know that Jesus died for us to be a family and we also know that unity is the glue that keeps us together as one family. God has made our family at Cornerstone so diverse that we represent and reflect our surrounding community. I believe that as we continue to grow in our diversity, God wants us to be a more unified family. We will learn this morning from the apostle Paul that there are lies that could separate us from one another. As God exposes those lies with His truth, we will continue to grow in unity. Application Questions 1. Are you thankful for the church family that God has given you? 2. Have you ever felt that you do not belong in our church family? If so, why? 3. Are you spending time with people in our church family that are not like you? 4. Are you aware of the spiritual need you have for those who are not like you? If so, how? 5. What are some of the excuses that have kept you from being truly united from those in your church family?