
01. Lent: What is Sin?

“Sin is deeper than we think, but grace abounds all the more.”

March 13, 2017

Lent is a time to think about our sin so that we can see more clearly the height, breadth, and depth of God's love in Christ. Most people think of sin as“wrong things we do.” Scripture tells us that it's much deeper: it's an attitude of our hearts that God can't be trusted, and we have to keep him away from control of our lives. When we see sin as it is, we see our world, ourselves, and our separation from God more clearly. Most of all, we see the beauty of Good Friday and Easter when Christ died and rose to take away our sin.

Application Questions

1. Do you think about sin very often? Why or why not?
2. Do you tend to view sin more as external or internal? What difference do you think that makes?
3. How do you see sin at work in your own life? How does understanding the nature of sin help explain some of your own behavior, thoughts, or emotions?
4. How can meditating on sin lead you to more joy in the gospel? What would that look like for you this Lenten season?

More from Lent 2017

02. Lent: Sin and Our World

March 20, 2017

Sin doesn't only have ramifications in our hearts, but it effects every aspect of our world as well. From fallen bodies, to a fallen environment, to a fallen culture, to our relationships with fallen people, we are immersed in a sin-soaked world. But the prevalence and magnitude of sin in our world is matched (and exceeded) by the prevalence and magnitude of hope we have in Christ. Our world is worse off than we even realize, but God's redemptive work is greater than we've ever imagined. Application Questions 1. What ways do you see creation“groaning” ? 2. How do you try to minimize this groaning or pretend it's not really as bad as it is? 3. What false expectations do you carry with you that leave you surprised when you're faced with the fallenness of the world? 4. What do you look to (other than God) to try and deal with the suffering in our fallen world? 5. How can you be regularly reminded of the hope of the gospel for your life and for eternity in the midst of the fallenness of our world?

03. Lent: Sin and Our Hearts

March 27, 2017

Sin lies, hides, and numbs you to God. To battle against spiritual numbness you must boldly confess your sins to God and to one another, so that you can freshly experience the grace and forgiveness of Jesus in the gospel. Application Questions 1. What does“spiritual leprosy” look like in your life? 2. How have you seen sin lie to you? 3. In what ways do you allow yourself to be sinfully distracted? 4. Why is it important to“say the same thing” as God does about your sin? 5. When was the last time you confessed sin to another person? Who could you go to now to confess sin and freshly remember the gospel?

04. Lent: Sin and God’s Wrath

April 3, 2017

Christianity has always believed in a God of wrath, who stands in judgment over humans in their sin. But we don't talk about it much. What's more, for people in the West, God's wrath is hard to reconcile with God's love. If God is love, should he ever get angry? The Bible helps us make sense of God's wrath, square up to the reality of our situation, and appreciate the love of God displayed on the cross. Application Questions 1. Do you think much about God's wrath? When you read passages in your Bible about God's anger or judgment, what do you do with them? 2. Where have you seen your own rage against God come out? What form does it usually take? 3. How does understanding God's holiness give us a key to understanding his wrath? How does God's wrath differ from human anger? 4. How does God's wrath make sense of the cross? Does understanding God's wrath make the cross more powerful for you?