
Yom Teruah 2023

PS 27 (Pt 3) & Blowing of the Trumpets

September 16, 2023 • Daniel Joseph

PS 27 (Pt 3) & Blowing of the Trumpets

Topics covered include:

- Rosh Hashanah Overview

- The Second Coming

- The Dramatic Effects of Darkness on the Human Mind

- We are Son's of Light

- Dreadful News vs. A Good Word in the Human Heart

- Strength & Clarity in the Light

- Joy & Peace in Believing

- Patience & Comfort in the Word

- Peace in the Face of Adversity

- Psalm 18 - Floods of Ungodliness, Sorrows of Sheol, Turning to the Lord

- The Wisdom of Solomon & The Power of Godliness

- Our Confidence

- Yom Teruah Liturgy & Blowing of the Trumpets