Guest Speakers
Ken Ham (Evening)
October 11, 2015 • Ken Ham
Special in-depth discussion of the origins of human diversity, and much more! About Ken Ham: - CEO of Answers In Genesis http://(http://answersingenesis.org) and Creation Museum. - Hosts a daily radio broadcast on 500 stations. - Prepares Christians to defend and share their faith with boldness and confidence. - Brings the message of Biblical authority as well as creation apologetics.
Ken Ham (Morning)
October 11, 2015 • Ken Ham
Hear answers to questions like: Are dinosaurs in the Bible? Is the Earth billions of years old? Where did Cain get his wife? Should people believe in The Big Bang? Was Darwin right? About Ken Ham: - CEO of Answers In Genesis http://(http://answersingenesis.org) and Creation Museum. - Hosts a daily radio broadcast on 500 stations. - Prepares Christians to defend and share their faith with boldness and confidence. - Brings the message of Biblical authority as well as creation apologetics.