
Session 2: The Brokenness in Marriage

June 8, 2019 • Brian and Elisa Hope

If marriage is beautiful, then why is it so hard? In this session, we seek to answer this question by exploring the ways that sin has crept into our marriages and marred God's good design.

Session 1: The Beauty of Marriage

June 8, 2019 • Brian and Elisa Hope

Marriage is inherently beautiful because it was created by God and it reflects his image and nature. Reclaiming Marriage needs to first begin with reclaiming a Biblical view of God and his purpose for the world. In this session, we unpack how the Gospel affects the way we are to understand God and subsequently, marriage.

Session 3: Building a Working Marriage

June 8, 2019 • Brian and Elisa Hope

To achieve a goal, you need an action plan for how to reach it. Marriage is no different. In this session, we explore how to build up your marriage toolset and apply the truth of the Gospel to your marriage in practical, helpful ways.