
Doxological - E1 - Why Do We Sing Together?

September 21, 2021 • Pastor Ryan James, Brynn James

Announcing a new podcast from Coram Deo Church! Doxological is an ongoing conversation about the crossroads of music, liturgy, and theology, and how they shape everything from the Lord's Table to the dinner table. In this inaugural episode, Pastor Ryan James and Brynn James ask, “Why do we sing together in corporate worship?” Ryan and Brynn explore how singing uniquely honors God, uniting, teaching, and transforming the Church as we submit to the Lordship of Christ.

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Doxological - E8 - Liturgy: The Confession of Sin

January 26, 2022 • Pastor Ryan James, Brynn James

In this episode of Doxological, Pastor Ryan James and Brynn James resume their series on Coram Deo's worship liturgy. The Confession of Sin holds a prominent position in our worship services. It uniquely speaks to us about the person and work of Jesus Christ as our perfect sacrifice and priest, through whom we come to offer holy worship to God.

Doxological - E7 - Will the Real Santa Please Stand Up?

December 22, 2021 • Pastor Ryan James, Brynn James

Santa Claus is one of the most prominent symbols in the modern celebration of Christmas and yet he's also one of the most hotly contested. How should Christians interact with the story of Santa? In this episode of Doxological, Pastor Ryan James and Brynn James dive into the historical roots of the Santa Claus story and unearth the actual man behind the sleigh.

Doxological - E6 - Advent: Devotionals & Liturgies

November 22, 2021 • Pastor Ryan James, Brynn James

In this episode of Doxological, Pastor Ryan James and Brynn James talk about producing "Advent 2021: Devotionals & Liturgies." Pick up a free copy this week in person. Download a digital version or purchase additional print copies at http://coramdeochurch.org/advent.