
Bible Thoughts - E29 - "Thine is the Kingdom" - 1 Chronicles 29:11

September 28, 2021 • Pastor Rusten Harris • 1 Chronicles 29:11

The doxology we often hear at the end of the Lord's Prayer, "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen," may not have been part of the original prayer. But it uses language that has calls back to a prayer of King David in 1 Chronicles 29. In this episode of Bible Thoughts, Pastor Rusten takes a look at King David's prayer and considers why we ought to pray doxologies.

Bible Thoughts - E41 - Man and Woman and the Roles of Co-laborers - Genesis 2:18–25

April 26, 2022 • Pastor Rusten Harris • Genesis 2:18–25

In this episode of Bible Thoughts, Pastor Rusten continues looking at Bible passages on labor, work, wealth, and economics. In the opening pages of Genesis, God forms the original and foundational economic unit: the household. Pastor Rusten explores the particular roles of men and women in the household.

Bible Thoughts - E40 - The Commandment to Work and Rest - Exodus 20:8–11

March 15, 2022 • Pastor Rusten Harris • Exodus 20:8–11

We often think about the fourth commandment only as a command to rest on the Sabbath day, but it is much more than that. It completely reshapes our understanding of why we work and what our work is for. In this episode of Bible Thoughts, Pastor Rusten explores how this commandment to rest is also a commandment to work.

Bible Thoughts - E39 - The Dominion Mandate and the Workweek - Genesis 1:26–28

March 8, 2022 • Pastor Rusten Harris • Genesis 1:26–28

Does the Bible have anything to say about my career and my workweek? In this episode of Bible Thoughts, Pastor Rusten looks at the beginning of the Bible story when God first creates humanity in his image. At that point, God gave them a vocation that fit that image, what many theologians call "the cultural mandate" or "the dominion mandate." This has profound implications for our careers and labors.