
CDM Videos

Are You Satisfied With How You're Fulfilling The Great Commission?

December 13, 2022 • Michael Dorsett

In less than 90 seconds Michael Dorsett shares how he introduces the ideas of Contageous Disciple Making to other pastors.

How Can Disciple Makers Partner Together To Impact Their Community? 90 Second Short

December 6, 2022 • Joleene Burts

In just 90 seconds, Joleene shares how her Disciple Making Community is making a difference as disciple makers partner together for engagement. To hear the whole story click the link below.

The 714 Initiative: Fast, Pray, Seek, Act

September 21, 2022

Are you wanting to see movement in your community. No disciple making movement has ever happened with out a prayer movement first. Start mobilizing people to pray in your community today.

Pray For San Diego

June 13, 2022 • Paul Watson

Do you want to see your city transformed?

Together, we can activate the Church, reach the lost, and transform our cities.

Here's how I am becoming a disciple-maker

Aleta shares about why she partners with Contagious Disciple Making. Want to be a part of what God is doing in our community? Increase your Kingdom Impact and GIVE to Contagious Disciple Making this Giving Tuesday.

You can help make disciples who multiply

Participate in a global movement of generosity and help fulfill Jesus' Great Commission this GivingTuesday: https://www.contagiousdisciplemaking.com/partner

What is a Disciple Making Community?

December 15, 2020

We need a community who will join us in making disciples where we are. But many Christians often struggle to have meaningful interactions with people who don’t know Jesus. They need more help in knowing how to live out the Great Commission within their everyday lives. That's where the Disciple Making Community comes in! A DMC is a group of believers who practice daily habits that lead them to obey all God’s commands and love their neighbors in such a way that it gives them opportunities to help others discover God through reading His Word for themselves. This video will show you the in's and out's of a DMC, how it differs from a DBS, the 5 commitments each member makes, how a meeting is run, and more. Share it with people you'd like to start a DMC with! To get the most out of a DMC, watch our webinar "The Disciple Making Community: Living Out the Great Commission Together in Everyday Life": https://bit.ly/dmcommunitywebinar

The 4 Habits of Disciple Maker

Jesus gave us a Commission that was indeed great. So where do we start? This whiteboard animation video will give you the first 4 habits every disciple maker should start with. These are things you can start doing today! See the resources below for more information.

Pray w/a Global Prayer Community Online

Come experience what it's like to participate in a global community that uses online social media tools to mobilize prayer and develop relationships among disciple makers around the world. Hundreds of disciple makers like you from around the world give and receive prayers for Great Commission work in this private Facebook group. You're invited! Click the button below to find our private CDM Global Prayer Community Page.

The Prayer Calendar: Pray like a Disciple Maker

Ever wondered how to make praying for others a daily habit? Ever wanted to start a prayer movement? Then the Prayer Calendar is for you! This is a simple tool that takes 5 minutes a day but can have a bigger impact than you can imagine. In this whiteboard animation video, we explain how you can start your own Prayer Calendar today.

The Community Prayer Calendar: Taking the Prayer Calendar to the Next Level

During this time of global crisis and social distancing, we have a unique opportunity to help those around us who don't know Jesus. We've developed a tool called the Community Prayer Calendar where you call a non-believing friend each day to check in, see how you can help, and offer prayer. Imagine how we could affect our communities by simply reaching out to them in this time.

The Conversation Quadrants lead to DBS

We've been commissioned by Jesus to help our unbelieving friends, family, and neighbors discover God. How do we do that without being overly aggressive or passive? Conversation Quadrants help you track your conversations with people who don't know Jesus. With this tool, you'll celebrate small steps, discern where to go next, and empower others to pray specifically for those you reach!

What is the Discovery Bible Study?

Help your lost friends and family fall in love with Jesus and start a Disciple Making Movement. With the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) process, you can help them discover God for themselves, obey His Word, and share it with others right from the beginning. This video will give you the "why" behind the process, the questions you'll ask, and helpful tips and tricks along the way. For our video "handbook" on the Discovery Bible Study, get your own copy of our "DBS that Multiply" Webinar below.