
Jesus Overcomes!

April 4, 2021 • Brian Stone

What if the way you are treated by others didn't determine the way you treat them? What if you had freedom to live above the hurt and brokenness of this life? What if you discovered a way to love that always moves toward a more significant purpose? It is all possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus and it's available to us. We just have to accept it.

Abandoned by Disciples

March 28, 2021 • Brian Stone

Throughout his ministry, Jesus’s disciples abandoned him when they didn’t understand or when things got tough. How often do we do this today? As believers and modern-day disciples, we need to remain faithful to Christ and not abandon Him when things get difficult. We need to learn the simple truth that will prepare us for supernatural loyalty.

Betrayed by Judas

March 21, 2021 • Tyler Jordan

Judas betrayed Jesus, even though he followed Christ for years. His betrayal was driven by bitterness, greed, and his own agenda. No matter how long we have followed Christ, if we lose sight of Jesus and the mission He has given us, we are in danger of betraying our Savior by following our own agenda.

Denied by Peter

March 14, 2021 • Brian Stone

Even though the disciple Peter walked with Jesus faithfully for years, he publicly denied Jesus three times. Despite this betrayal, Jesus did not condemn Peter but instead restored him. Like Peter, we have all denied Jesus in some way at some time, but no matter our betrayal, Christ always shows us love and restoration.