
An Undershepherd's Goal: The Whole Truth (Part 2)

September 28, 2019 • Rabbi Richard Freeman

The grace of Yeshua is so incredible you will have to share Messiah with your words and with your life. As we grow in His grace, our sanctified life in Messiah will be characterized by righteous living. The principle of spiritual increase teaches the Messiah will multiply our opportunities to share the Good News if we are faithful stewards.

More from 2019 Messages

Worship in Revelation

December 28, 2019 • John Ross

Revelation is about how the Bridegroom (Yeshua) was faithful to his marriage covenant with the Bride (saved Jewish and non-Jewish people from the nations). Yeshua’s Lordship, love letters, and coming reign leads us to worship. Everyone worships something. We must make the daily choice to worship him.

Do What Your Father Does!

December 21, 2019 • Rabbi Richard Freeman

Does your life resemble your earthly father more than your heavenly Father? There is only one remedy.

Wrestling With G-d

December 14, 2019 • Rabbi Philip Lanning

Life events such as untimely deaths, sickness and disease, the loss of a loved one, infertility and bareness, acts of violence or injustice, violations of trust, rejection, unfulfilled expectations, and unanswered questions can cause us to wrestle with G-d. In this sermon we look at some of the principles from the Jacob's wrestling match that we can apply to our own lives when we go through times of wrestling with G-d.