There are many reasons that a good God may allow suffering in our lives. Sometimes, it is to train us. Other times, it is to call us to repentance. In every instance, God uses our suffering to ultimately bless us, even if we can’t immediately see it.
Why Are So Many Christians Hypocrites?
May 22, 2022 • Pastor Paul Horstmeyer • Romans 2:17–23
Scandals involving hypocrisy have left a bad mark on the integrity of the Church. Living with integrity is paramount in our witness to Christ. Everyone is a hypocrite in one way or another, but rather than hiding this, we must confess it and repent of it.
How Can Christianity be the Only True Religion?
May 15, 2022 • Pastor Paul Horstmeyer • Matthew 7:13–14
Aren’t Christians being exclusive when they claim that only Christ is the way to salvation? Claiming that all paths lead to the same God is itself an exclusive claim because it excludes those faiths that claim differently. Every claim is, in some sense, exclusive. So, we must discern which claims are true.
Do Science and Faith Contradict?
May 8, 2022 • Pastor Paul Horstmeyer • Psalm 33:6–9
It is often assumed that either Christianity or science is true and that the Scriptures reject rational, scientific inquiry. In truth, the Scriptures invite it because they assert that there is a rational God who created a rational universe that we can joyfully investigate.
Do Christians Cherry-Pick Verses?
May 7, 2022 • Pastor TJ Winters • Matthew 5:17–19
People want to know about the “weird” Bible verses, especially in the Old Testament – the ones against mixing fabrics and eating shellfish. Do we not take such verses seriously? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus invites us to see all Scripture as fulfilled and interpreted through Him.
Isn't Jesus Just a Crutch?
April 24, 2022 • Pastor Paul Horstmeyer • Mark 2:1–12
Karl Marx famously said, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” He saw faith as nothing more than a crutch for the weak to deal with the vicissitudes of life. The reality is that Christianity is, in some ways, a crutch – one that we all need, because we’re not as strong as we’d like to think we are. But it is also more than just a therapeutic crutch. It is a divine reality.