October 16, 2022 • Pastor Bob Nordlie • Hebrews 4:12–16
One of the reasons so many people struggle in silence is because they believe they’re the only one and that others would not understand – or, worse, judge them – if they ever found out what they were going through. The preacher of Hebrews reminds us that we always have someone who understands – Jesus – and we can bring Him anything.
I Can Change Them
October 2, 2022 • Terry Roby • 2 Corinthians 6:14–18
Have you ever made someone your “project”? You think you can fix them, change them, or, perhaps, even save them? Paul reminds us that at the same time we may try to change someone, they are also potentially changing us. He encourages us, then, to choose our relationships wisely and reminds us that the deepest change comes through Christ.
I Should Quit
September 25, 2022 • Dan Schlueter • Luke 18:1–8
When life gets challenging, it can be tempting to give up. We can be tempted to quit everything from our jobs to our relationships to even our very lives. Jesus encourages perseverance by telling a story about a woman who goes through terribly trying times. He also reminds us that our strength to continue comes from God through prayer.
I Don't Have Enough
September 18, 2022 • Dan Schlueter • Philippians 4:15–20
Last weekend, we talked about how sometimes we don’t feel as if we’re enough. This weekend focuses on how we often think we don’t have enough. “If I just had more money or more time or more energy or more whatever, life would be great!” When Paul writes to the Philippians, he speaks of his concern of not having enough, but also trusts fully that God will provide everything he needs.
I'm Not Enough
September 11, 2022 • Dan Schlueter • Isaiah 6:1–8
“I’m not enough” is an interesting lie we tell ourselves because it’s not totally untrue. We do fall short of being enough because we are sinful. Yet, God’s Son Jesus is enough and redeems us from our sin to make us whole – to make us enough. Isaiah’s call from God is a beautiful picture of how God makes people enough.