
How Can Christianity be the Only True Religion?

May 15, 2022 • Pastor Zach McIntosh • Matthew 7:13–14

Aren’t Christians being exclusive when they claim that only Christ is the way to salvation? Claiming that all paths lead to the same God is itself an exclusive claim because it excludes those faiths that claim differently. Every claim is, in some sense, exclusive. So, we must discern which claims are true.

Does God Answer Prayer?

June 12, 2022 • Pastor Bill Tucker • Luke 11:5–13

When we pray and a prayer goes seemingly unanswered, our faith can be rocked. In this message, we consider how God answers our prayers.

Is Christianity Sexist?

June 5, 2022 • Pastor Bill Tucker • Galatians 3:26–29

One of the primary criticisms of Christianity is that people believe it degrades women. But the Scriptures and history paint a different picture. This is a faith where all people find dignity as God’s creations and as children of God in Christ.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

May 29, 2022 • Pastor Zach McIntosh • Daniel 3:1–18

There are many reasons that a good God may allow suffering in our lives. Sometimes, it is to train us. Other times, it is to call us to repentance. In every instance, God uses our suffering to ultimately bless us, even if we can’t immediately see it.