
The Lies We're Told

August 7, 2022 • Pastor TJ Winters • Joshua 9:3–14

In last weekend’s message, we talked about the lies we tell. When we tell lies, we will eventually be told lies by others. In Joshua 9, the Gibeonites resort to a ruse to keep from being conquered by the Israelites. When we are lied to, how will we respond?

More from Joshua

Keeping a Covenant

September 4, 2022 • Pastor Zach McIntosh • Joshua 24:14–21

Right before Joshua dies, he invites the Israelites to serve the Lord, knowing they will not be able to. In their pride, the Israelites claim they will be able to serve Him. The next book of the Bible – Judges – tells us otherwise. Humility is the key to spiritual growth. How have we fallen short serving the Lord? Out of His grace, God continually invites us to try serving Him again.

What Lasts

August 28, 2022 • Pastor Bill Tucker • Joshua 23:6–14

As Joshua nears the end of his life, he reflects on how he has been merely a steward of God’s Word and ways. It is God’s Word that lasts. When we get to the end of our lives, will we have spent our lives with an eye toward what lasts?

Practicing Patience

August 21, 2022 • Pastor Zach McIntosh • Joshua 14:6–13

A man named Caleb has been waiting for years to receive an inheritance first promised to him by Moses. But rather than becoming bitter because of the wait, he is grateful for his inheritance, no matter how long it might have taken him to receive it. What good things will come to us when we are willing to wait?