
What Lasts

Bible Class

August 28, 2022 • Pastor Steve Wagner • Joshua 23:6–14

As Joshua nears the end of his life, he reflects on how he has been merely a steward of God’s Word and ways. It is God’s Word that lasts. When we get to the end of our lives, will we have spent our lives with an eye toward what lasts?

More from Joshua

Keeping a Covenant

September 4, 2022 • Pastor Steve Wagner • Joshua 24:14–21

Right before Joshua dies, he invites the Israelites to serve the Lord, knowing they will not be able to. In their pride, the Israelites claim they will be able to serve Him. The next book of the Bible – Judges – tells us otherwise. Humility is the key to spiritual growth. How have we fallen short serving the Lord? Out of His grace, God continually invites us to try serving Him again.

Practicing Patience

August 21, 2022 • Pastor Steve Wagner • Joshua 14:6–13

As Joshua nears the end of his life, he reflects on how he has been merely a steward of God’s Word and ways. It is God’s Word that lasts. When we get to the end of our lives, will we have spent our lives with an eye toward what lasts?

Knowing Our Place

August 14, 2022 • Pastor Zach McIntosh, Executive Team • Joshua 10:1–14

Though the Israelites win many battles in Joshua, it is ultimately God who gives them the victory. He is powerful not just against enemies, but over all creation. When we face battles we cannot win, who will we entrust ourselves to? After Bible Class, Concordia's Executive Team does a Q&A with attendees.