
Maundy Thursday

April 14, 2022 • Pastor Bill Tucker • Mark 14:12–17, Mark 14:22–25

As the Passover approaches, Jesus’ disciples want to make preparations for this most sacred meal. What they find out, however, is that Jesus has already been making preparations. He already has a room reserved. This is the message of the gospel. Jesus already has taken care of the most important things in our lives – our lives, our sins, and our eternities. On Maundy Thursday, we celebrate a meal that is a tangible indication of what Jesus takes care of for us.

Good Friday

April 15, 2022 • Concordia's Pastors

The seven last words of Jesus from the cross.

Palm Sunday

April 10, 2022 • Pastor Paul Horstmeyer • Luke 19:28–40

Today we remember how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and went public with the fact that He was the King that God’s People were waiting for.