
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Where the Seed is Planted

July 12, 2020 • Pastor Paul Becker

As Jesus begins to teach in parables various aspects of His life and ministry among us,
• He invites us to exchange our natural understandings for the supernatural
• and embrace His Gracious Kingdom that produces bountiful blessings.

1. Surprisingly, Jesus’ ministry does not have automatic “success”
a. The Pharisees have already determined to destroy Jesus
b. We live in humble dependence on the grace of His Word

2. Jesus’ ministry does produce faith and good works
a. He creates great comfort and confidence
b. Faith is never alone – good works and blessings abound

3. Jesus’ ministry moves us to marvel at the generosity of God
a. Friend of tax-collectors and sinners
b. Tell the Good News to every creature

4. Jesus’ ministry calls us to live in wisdom and vigilant discernment
a. The wicked one, troubles/persecution, worries and deceitful wealth do not retire
b. Undeterred, Unhindered and Unashamed!

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