
Mary's Song of Trust

December 18, 2016 • Cam Abbott

As familiar as we are with the songs of Christmas, there are four songs recorded in the Bible sung by people surrounding the birth of Jesus that aren’t sung much at all now. The angels sang a song to the shepherds (we know part of their song: “And on earth peace and goodwill toward men”), Mary sang a song to God after she had time to get over the shocking news that she was going to be the mother of the Saviour, and Simeon had a song, too.

In today's message, we are looking at Mary's song, “A Song of Trust” from Luke 1:26-48.

Angels' Song of Peace

December 11, 2016 • Pastor Murray Lutzer

As familiar as we are with the songs of Christmas, there are four songs recorded in the Bible sung by people surrounding the birth of Jesus that aren’t sung much at all now. The angels sang a song to the shepherds (we know part of their song: “And on earth peace and goodwill toward men”), Mary sang a song to God after she had time to get over the shocking news that she was going to be the mother of the Saviour, and Simeon had a song, too. In today's message, we are looking at the angels' song, “A Song of Peace” from Luke 2:8-20

Zechariah’s Song of Faith

December 4, 2016 • Pastor Murray Lutzer

As familiar as we are with the songs of Christmas, there are four songs recorded in the Bible sung by people surrounding the birth of Jesus that aren’t sung much at all now. The angels sang a song to the shepherds (we know part of their song: “And on earth peace and goodwill toward men”), Mary sang a song to God after she had time to get over the shocking news that she was going to be the mother of the Saviour, and Simeon had a song, too. In today's message, we begin by looking at Zechariah’s song from Luke 1:67-79.