
Ladies at the Empty Tomb's Perspective on Jesus

Easter Sunday

March 27, 2016 • Pastor Blair Allen

Easter Sunday is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. We celebrate Jesus' victory over death through His resurrection from the dead. On that day 2,000 years ago, some women went to the tomb only to discover Jesus was gone and the large stone that guarded the entrance to the grave had been rolled away. In today's message, we look at Easter through their perspective, and the utter joy and excitement of those ladies would of been unbelievable!

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Barabbas' Perspective on Jesus

March 25, 2016 • Pastor Blair Allen

The robber and murderer, Barabbas, is a character that seems insignificant as part of the Easter story; however, Barabbas is a picture of us all!! This Good Friday sermon looks at why Jesus had to die and what He offered through His crucifixion through the perspective of Barabbas. Why is Good Friday referred to as “good”? What the Jewish authorities and Romans did to Jesus was definitely not good (see Matthew 26-27). However, the results of Christ’s death are very good! Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Pilate's Perspective on Jesus

March 20, 2016 • Pastor Blair Allen

In today's message, we hear the Easter story through the perspective of Pontius Pilate. As Pilate wrestled with what to do with Jesus, he raised four key questions that we are going to look at together.