
Who is the Church?

July 3, 2016 • Pastor Blair Allen • Matthew 16, 1 Peter 2:1–12

There is a great misunderstanding about what the church is and this starts because we are asking the wrong question. The question isn't what is the church, but rather who is the church. When we ask the right question, it begins to shift the way we see the church and live out our faith.

When you begin to ask the right question, you begin to see that church isn't just an event you go to, or a building, but the church is those whom Christ has ransomed through the cross and given a mission to. When we see who the church is it changes our heart towards the church. We love Jesus and the church; we live for more than just a Sunday, but for Monday through Saturday. (Worship is not an event; it’s a day-to-day activity in our lives.)

The Tools of War

August 28, 2016 • Pastor Blair Allen • Ephesians 6:10–20

* NOTE: Unfortunately, this sermon was not recorded due to a technical error. Instead, please view the sermon notes for a summary of the message. Sorry for the inconvenience. ————————————————— The reality is that every Christian is a soldier in a war! The Bible is full of this kind of language: You are in the midst of a battle and you are a soldier. There are battles of life, there is suffering, and there is agony, and it can be so very painful. The apostle Paul wants us to know that we are in a spiritual battle. Paul gives us tools called the armour of God. Each of the pieces of spiritual armour is simply a way of applying the Gospel to a different part of our life. As a new school year begins, let's be reminded of the battle and the armour given to us to fight the battle.

Advance the Gospel

August 21, 2016 • Pastor Blair Allen • Matthew 28:18–20

The Compass Church exists to point people to Jesus by making disciples who Know the Gospel, Live the Gospel, and Advance the Gospel. In today's message, we look at the third of these three pillars: Advance the Gospel. We hear about how the Gospel is a call to go – for the everyday Christ-follower to live on mission in the everyday opportunities that we find ourselves in.

Live the Gospel

August 14, 2016 • Pastor Blair Allen • Romans 1:16

The Compass Church exists to point people to Jesus by making disciples who Know the Gospel, Live the Gospel, and Advance the Gospel. In today's message, we look at the second of these three pillars: Live the Gospel. We hear about how the Christian faith is not meant to be lived in isolation. Through Jesus, we have been adopted into God's family, and we are called to live out the Gospel in community with one another.