
Objection #8

"People are basically good."

August 23, 2015 • William Con

In today's message, William Con confronts the common objection to the Christian faith, "People are basically good" and take a journey on the so-called goodness of man.

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August 30, 2015 • Pastor Murray Lutzer

In today's message, Pastor Murray confronts the common objection to the Christian faith, "Christians are all hypocrites" and shares how we all struggle with hypocrisy and in need of Jesus.

Objection #7

August 16, 2015 • Pastor Blair Allen

In today's message, Pastor Blair confronts the common objection to the Christian faith, "A loving God wouldn't send people to Hell" and three key points that we can learn about Hell from Luke 16:19-31.

Objection #6

August 9, 2015 • Pastor Blair Allen

In today's message, Pastor Blair confronts the common objection to the Christian faith, "Jesus is not the only way to Heaven" and looks at why our prevailing culture says it's arrogant and intolerant to believe otherwise.