
Day 12

Day 12: The Heart of the Matter: The importance of “heart” in the bible.

Watch the Video Above: The Heart of the Matter - Marie

Overview: Dr. Bruce Waltke points out that the word “heart occurs over one thousand times in the Bible, making it the most common term in the Scripture” to describe any part of a human being. “It denotes a person's center for both physical and emotional-intellectual-moral activities…” This heart is the core of who you are as a person. Your heart is, essentially, you. Today we ask God to reveal to us the importance of our heart.


1 Samuel 16:7

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Proverbs 27:19

As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.

Practical Guide: Today, I pray that the Holy Spirit will help me grasp the centrality and importance of the heart in scripture and in my life. Throughout the day today, I will be intentional in focusing in on what my heart’s role is in my daily experience.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for designing me with a heart that really makes me who I am. Lord, help me to better understand what makes up my heart and how it works in my life. Open my heart to whatever your Spirit would like to reveal to me. I praise you God and love you with all of my heart and I thank you for your heart for me. In Jesus name, amen.

Quiet Time Moment: For the next 60 seconds, sit quietly (without distractions), embrace the presence of the Lord and seek to hear His voice.