
Every Tribe, Every Tongue - Let The Whole World Know

February 11, 2024 • Pastor Snow • Acts 1:8

Text- Acts 1:8

1 - Every Tribe, Every Tongue…

- Revelation 5:9-10

- Revelation 7:9-10

A World Transformed 

2 - Our Community is the World.

- Mark 16:15

- Acts 1:8

Do you see the Nations in your neighborhood and networks?

3 - We are Mission-minded Disciple-makers.

- Matthew 28:19-20

- 2Timothy 2:1-2

“As you go, make Disciples everywhere “

4 - we are God’s plan A- there is no plan B.

- Acts 13:47

- Matthew 24:14

God will put your YES on the map.

5 - Here I am, Send Me!

- Isaiah 6:8

- 1 Samuel 3:8-10

Who will go?

If not you, who?

If not now, When?