

Our Listening Connection

Family Gathering: Foye Belyea

April 3, 2022 • Foye Belyea

We begin with worship and the teaching begins at the 18min mark.

A Guide To Prayer Walking For Your Neighborhood

April 12, 2020 • Aaron Loy

Given the pandemic of 2020, Easter Sunday looked as different as any of us could have imagined just a few months ago. Many of our partner churches produced live versions of Easter but there was something that made us hesitate about adding to the breadth of options many of us had on hand. So instead of producing another teaching, sermon, or experience, we chose to ask our group to make prayer-walking a part of their Easter Sunday. It was simply another way for us to step into discerning the very places we live. Listen to Aaron as he offers a tangible expression and instructions on how to prayer walk. You can follow this template at any time of the year!