
Romancing Your City

Michael Frost

Loving our neighborhood in the way of Jesus is less like a wedding day and more like a marriage. Rather than making grand commitments, we need to be committed to the ongoing process of loving, listening to, romancing and being shaped by our context, as much as we are wanting to shape it.

Peyton Jones Interview

Peyton Jones

A couple weeks ago we and some of our Creo Collective friends sat down with missional practitioner and church planting ninja Peyton Jones. We absolutely love Peyton's commitment to be a loving, non-anxious presence in irreligious spaces and to disciple the thirsty in the way of Jesus. Here you'll find some great insights into intentional presence, missional leadership, discipling unbelievers and things to consider when starting something new.

A Journey Into Mission

Mike Jarrell

The Forge Missional Podcast sits down with Mike Jarrell to talk about his journey into missional, the Creo Collective, rhythms of incarnational community, and stories from the front lines.

An Evening With Jon Ritner

July 20, 2022 • Jon Ritner

On 7/20/22 we hosted Jon Ritner for an evening to talk incarnation, holiness and mission.