
Baptism Oppertunity

Ready to Take a Step of Faith?

July 28, 2024
10:00 - 11:30am

Baptism is a beautiful and significant step in the journey of faith. It is a cherished and meaningful aspect of living a faithful Christian life. In the Christian tradition, baptism is often viewed as a sacrament, symbolizing an outward manifestation of inner grace. Through baptism, we witness the visible expression of God's love, grace, forgiveness, and acceptance. St. Augustine eloquently described sacraments as 'visible words,' conveying profound spiritual truths. As a sacrament, baptism signifies belonging. Through this sacred act, God conveys the message, 'You are mine, and I am your God,' while the one being baptized reciprocates, saying, 'You are my God, and I am yours. I am a follower of Jesus.'