
Week 1 - "Promises"

Jeff Shipman

December 6, 2020 • Jeff Shipman

Promises sustain us through life's most difficult moments. But are we truly listening to God's promises and fully trusting Him to bring them into reality? And what happens when life's disappointments make it too difficult to believe in the promises, even though we know that the Promise Giver has a perfect track record? Join us this Christmas season as we remind ourselves of the steadfast promises we've been given in Jesus.

More from Promises

Week 3 - "Promised Presence"

December 20, 2020 • Ben Byxbe

God has promised to be with us - that's the literal meaning of Emmanuel! But how do I experience his nearness when it feels like he's far away? And how can I trust him through the times when I feel like he's abandoned me? Lean into the 23rd Psalm as we explore the God who is With Us.

Week 2 - "Promised Hope"

December 13, 2020 • Jeff Shipman

Promises anchor us to a preferred reality, one set in "the Beyond." Our hope is tethered to these anchors. This message unpacks the beautiful truth that "since no one can take your Christ, no one can take your hope."