
Easter 2017

The Gamble

April 16, 2017 • Rick Sayger

— Luke 9:23 (NLT) — 1 Corinthians 15:20 (NLT) — 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 (NLT) • The SCRIPTURES MAPPED OUT the details of what Christ would do in ADVANCE! • Jesus appeared to PETER: The one that DENIED him at his trial and deserted him at his crucifixion. Peter became a CHAMPION of the faith and ultimately DIED for Jesus by hanging UPSIDE DOWN on a cross! His transformation came only because of the FACT that Peter was CONVINCED that Jesus had risen! • Jesus appeared to OVER 500 FOLLOWERS at one time! They were the CORE GROUP of witnesses who all testified to this fact! These followers were STILL ALIVE when Paul wrote this letter, so anyone was free to CHECK PAUL’S FACTS with eyewitnesses. • Jesus appeared to JAMES. He was one of Jesus’s half-brothers, and DID NOT BELIEVE that Jesus was the Messiah during his life/ministry. Only AFTER the resurrection does James believe, and he eventually DIED for his FAITH in Christ! • Last, Jesus appeared to PAUL, who was a HATER of those who followed Christ. He was a RELIGIOUS LEADER who had every reason to stay in his ELITE crowd. Paul saw himself as the LOWEST of the followers of Jesus.