The Foundational Teachings of the College of Prayer
Lord, Teach Us To Pray - Session 1
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson, Pastor Fred Hartley teaches about the importance of one single request the disciples made of Jesus in Luke 11—"Lord, teach us to pray..."
The Lord's Prayer Pattern - Session 2
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches on the 7 parts of the Lord's prayer pattern and how to utilize it in our prayer lives.
Receive The Father's Love - Session 3
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches on the importance of receiving the Father's love is. We can't give what we haven't received, and the Father wants to both know us and be known by us intimately.
The Power of Forgiveness - Session 4
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches on living in an atmosphere of forgiveness and how important it is to both receive and give forgiveness.
The Manifest Presence of Christ - Session 5
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches how prayer leads to encounter the personal, tangible presence of Christ in our daily lives, our families, and our churches.
The Upper Room - Session 6
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches on the 5 miracles of the Upper Room and how those miracles lead us to a fresh encounter with the Presence of God.
The Praying Family - Session 7
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches us how to create an upper room right in the middle of our own families. Too many of us have fallen short when it comes to family spiritual growth. Prayer opens the door to renewal.
The Missional Church - Session 8
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches that a praying church is a missional church. Prayer does the heavy lifting when it comes to reaching our neighbors and nations.
Ready The Church - Session 9
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches on why it is important in this season to prepare the church for the return of Christ.
The Return of Christ - Session 10
June 1, 2023 • Fred Hartley, III
In this lesson of "Lord, Give Us the Nations," Pastor Fred Hartley teaches on why the return of Christ is imminent and why it should affect our everyday lives. We are called to live missional and with urgency.