
Matthew 7:1-9

March 8, 2020

Matthew 7:1-8

Areas to Judge:
1). Judge people's doctrine
2). Judge what is good and band
3). Judge within the body of Christ:
- Disputes
- Serious sins
- People who teach the bible
- Who are to be an elder of a church
4). Judge who are dogs or swine

Areas not to Judge:
1). People's motives
2) People's appearances
3). People's liberties
4). People's service
5). Speak evil against a brother to another

Reasons why we shouldn't judge:
1). It brings judgements to ourselves
2). It is ridiculous

Q). What do we do in order to help a brother or sister?
1). WE need to do a self examination of our life first
2). WE must exercise love and tenderness when we seek to help others in their sin
3). We must Pray- Ask, Seek, Knock