
Big Church

Big Church Pt. 5

July 26, 2018 • Timothy Sensabaugh

Big Church Pt. 4

July 19, 2018 • Timothy Sensabaugh

An overview of Acts 1-12 and Peter's realization that salvation is for everyone.

Big Church Pt. 3

July 12, 2018 • Timothy Sensabaugh

An overview of how the Apostle Paul helped grow the church movement and contribute to the BIG CHURCH work wide throughout the book of Acts.

Big Church Pt. 2

June 21, 2018 • Timothy Sensabaugh

The first prayers of the church in Acts chapter 4 were not about safety, comfort or security. Take a fresh look at the beginning of the first church.

Big Church Pt. 1

June 14, 2018 • Timothy Sensabaugh

Two thousand years ago, a gathering of people in a middle-eastern city began a movement that would circle the globe and leave its mark on individuals and cultures on every continent. This movement would eventualy become known as The Church. The church is a movement. And it's still moving.