

God invites Israel to live in close proximity to His holy presence. Which seems awesome, but it’s actually dangerous. This book explores how the sacrificial rituals and purity practices cleared the way for morally corrupt Israelites to become God’s covenant partners. In order to heal the damage from Israel's rebellion against His instructions, God established a way for people's sins to be covered through a system of sacrifices in the laws of the covenant. These laws described in the Book of Leviticus serve a three-fold purpose: forgive acts of sin and spare people's lives, show the world that Israel was God's holy ambassador to the earth, and define standards of right and wrong that will fortify immense value to Christ's sacrifice for humanity.

Since God's nature is absolutely good, no evil can ever be present near him - including humans tainted with the sin of Adam's fall. Unfortunately, some individuals learn this the hard way as the Israelites adjust themselves to correctly performing these laws. Still, God blesses them in His continual mercy as Abraham's descendants of The Blessing.