
Exodus: Part 1

Chapters 1-18

Filled with memorable miracles, Chapters 1-18 in the Book of Exodus hold much more purpose than simple entertainment. They contain historical accounts with tangible truths that still apply to the present. The story begins in Egypt where Genesis leaves off but reveals a much darker picture: Abraham's descendants have indeed grown as numerous as the stars, but are now oppressed in slavery by a Pharaoh who has forgotten the kindness his predecessor showed to Joseph's family.

Hearing their prayers, God confronts Pharaoh's stubbornness and delivers the Israelites from bondage. He sends Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh as agents that usher in a multitude of signs and wonders, and display God's glory in a land of idols. God also establishes the first Passover, a turnkey event for the founding of Israel and Christ's sacrifice. Themes of redemption, rebellion and The Blessing continue to play out for individuals and nations in this section.