

A road-trip gone bad. Israel leaves Mt. Sinai only to rebel against God at every step. God responds with short-term severity and long-term generosity as He leads them into the promised land.After centuries of living in foreign lands, the time comes for the Israelites to return to the land God had promised to Abraham. But soon after they set out for Canaan, Israel perpetually complains, sins, and even incites rebellion against Moses and Aaron in God's presence. Eleven days of travel in the wilderness become 40 years as a result of their unbelief, and only their children can enter the Promised Land. Tired and frustrated, Moses strikes a rock to resolve yet another complaint from the Israelites, but sadly disobeys God's instruction to speak to it. He too is prevented from entering the Promised Land.

Even in all this, God still displays His amazing faithfulness and patience. A few individuals, such as Joshua and Caleb, remain faithful and will lead Israel's next generation. Many scriptures use Israel's wilderness stories in the Book of Numbers as examples for us to believe God and trust Him with our lives.