The Trap of Ignorance | The Journey

The Journey

March 26, 2023 • Pastor Fermin Garcia

As Christian and Hopeful draw closer to the end of their pilgrimage, they reach the Enchanted Grounds, a place they had been warned about by the Shepherds at the Delectable Mountains. Bunyan describes the Enchanted Grounds as a place where the air naturally tends to make one drowsy. It is a place that is meant to make one tired and sleepy rather than refreshed.

In the same way, we will come across seasons in our lives where we are tempted to slumber. Satan’s tactic is that the slumber would lead us to insensibility, inaction and illusions about ourselves and God. Before the Enchanted Grounds, Christian and Hopeful had met Atheist who tried to cause them to not believe in God. Christian and Hopeful refused to yield to unbelief. If Satan cannot cause us to succumb to unbelief, he will cause us to slumber.

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