
GO! God's Unplanned Appointments in Our Lives


August 11, 2024 • Pastor Dave Koop • Acts 24:24–27, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Hebrews 3:15, 2 Corinthians 5:10

Acts 24-26 depicts Paul’s trials and defenses before various Roman authorities. Despite facing false accusations and prolonged imprisonment, Paul steadfastly testifies to his faith in Christ, leveraging every opportunity to proclaim the gospel. His appeal to Caesar ultimately sets the stage for his journey to Rome, fulfilling God’s plan for him to witness there as well.

In Acts chapter 24 we see how Paul’s Roman citizenship had kept him from being killed. Now he stood before Felix, governor of Judea. As usual, Paul was sharing the faith, even with a very hardened ruler despite the risks involved.

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