
The Real and the Fake

Monday's Meal – Oct. 18, 2021

October 18, 2021 • Devin O'Donnell

Why does a "Rhetoric" school matter? Why do we bother to hold programs such as "music" or "art"? Today’s Monday Meal comes from an article I wrote on why creating beautiful things matters to classical Christian education. As you know, we place great value on the arts, with our Conservatory, Visual Art courses, Theatre, etc. Hopefully, this article explains why we do this. Enjoy.

Part II of G. K. Chesterton on Christmas

December 13, 2021 • Kenwyn Trotter, Devin O'Donnell

This week we will consider the second part of an essay by G.K. Chesterton on celebrating Christmas. Chesterton makes the point that although there is indeed a cost to the joyous celebration of Christmas—the purchase of large amounts of food, the preparations for a proper feast, the travel to another's house, the mess of having people in your house—the cost is worth it. It's the point of a festivity. Celebrating divine things elevates man to his proper place, above the animals, yet just a little lower than the angels, and "crowned with glory and honor." Kenwyn Trotter reads Part II of G.K. Chesterton on Christmas.

What G.K. Chesterton says about "Christmas"

December 6, 2021 • Kenwyn Trotter, Devin O'Donnell

In this essay, Chesterton reminds us about the wisdom of waiting. With typical humor, he instructs us about the danger of trying to celebrate something before its time.

Even the Pagans knew Complaining Was Wrong

November 29, 2021 • Devin O'Donnell

Welcome to another Monday Meal for Nov. 29, 2021 AD. Given our recent holiday this past week, I want to read an article on thankfulness. This is something I wrote for my Classical Literature students called, “Even the Pagans Knew Complaining Was Wrong.” Enjoy!