
Great - Testimonials

Greg and Norma Roberts Story

Greg and Norma talk about how they believe sharing the gospel is about living an authentic life and being ready to share when God presents the opportunity

Gary Pennington Story

Gary talks about the hard times he has faced and how his faith brought him through. His motivation to support missions and give financially are rooted in seeing what God has done in his life.

David and Denise Glenn Story

David and Denise share how a call to translate their Bible studies into other languages led to them moving across the world to share the Gospel.

Chuck and Karen Oak Story

Chuck and Karen share how they got involved with missions, and how living our life with intentionality at home is just as important as going across the world the share the gospel.

Christy Sylvester Story

Christy shares about how listening to the Holy Spirit and being faithful to follow His leadership led to meaningful faith conversations with a local restaurant employee.

Bob and Kathy Horlander Story

Bob and Kathy share how they came to know Jesus, and talk about being intentional to not only evangelize others, but doing whatever you can to minister to your kids.

Kristen Campbell Story

Kristen shares how her family got involved and offers encouragement to believers to share their faith with anyone they meet when God prompts them to do so.

Andy Dennis Story

Andy shares his testimony of becoming a Christian at VBS, taking his faith more seriously in high school, and answering a call to full time college ministry on a mission trip in college.

David Hill Story

David shares about how he came to faith, and his calling to restore the 3rd Ward community, being faithful to do what God asks, and trusting Him with the results.

Julie Jenkins Story

Julie shares how the her grandmother modeled the importance of prayer, and shares how her job is to be obedient to share her faith, and trust the Holy Spirit to inspire conversion.

Jennifer Dennis Story

Jennifer shares her story of coming to know Jesus as a child, and talks about the privelege she has to play a part in leading children to Jesus.

Kerry Notestine Story

Kerry shares his testimony of coming to faith as an adult and talks about evangelism in the jails, encouraging believers to evangelize with whatever gifts they have been given.

Kimberley Hardeman Story

Kimberley shares her testimony of coming to faith at a work place Bible study and viewing her workplace as her mission field, taking the opportunities to share the love of Christ wherever she is.

Roger and Mary Ann Bridgwater Story

Roger shares the story of leading a murderer to faith in Jesus, and Mary Ann describes how praying for others moved her to answer a call to go on mission.