
Build On It

In this message, Bishop Jones expounds upon the power of commitment and commitment's connection to us being the fortified and victorious people God intends for us to be. As you experience life's challenges be committed to build on each of them as you move to your next level.

Get In The Blood

March 15, 2020

Bishop Noel Jones Message Title: Get In The Blood TEXT TO "CORLA" TO 888-364-(GIVE) 4483 AND FOLLOW THE PROMPTS TO SUPPORT THE CITY OF REFUGE MINISTRIES INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=lxz1jiy63tj8&utm_content=2mbay07 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/corlosangeles/

I'm To Blessed To Abuse It

How Low Can You Go?

Often times the thought arises that we have to have a polished past and a perfect present for God to reveal himself to us. The fact is that we can do nothing to qualify ourselves but recognize that fact. Our level of revelation is commensurate to and determined by our humble response to the Grace of God. Let this message, preached by Bishop Jones, help you find out just how low you can go.