
Shipwrecked On The Way To Bless You

Paul's Journeyed to Rome to share the Gospel. This journey however, was filled with unexpected challenges and extremely treacherous encounters, he even experienced a shipwreck. Don't you find it amazing how God uses our experience of setbacks, like Paul's shipwreck, to fortify our character and shape us into instruments of transformation that will bless others in unimaginable ways? As you listen to this message, be encouraged to persevere victoriously through life, no matter what "shipwreck" you encounter.

Can You Handle It?

Zeal and ambition can often blind us of the price and sacrifices necessary for accomplishment. There indeed is a difference between vision and ambition. We must understand the price that is involved whenever we ask God to use us. Everyone desires to be blessed but the question is, “can we handle it?” God says, “Yes!” You have a gift and God is going to prepare your character so that you can handle it.

Use It

Every person came into the world naked and everyone is going to have to leave naked as well. No matter who you are we all came into this world with a plethora of gifts and talents. God expects us to use our talents for His glory and for our benefit. Since God has given us gifts, no matter what it is, he expects us to USE IT.