
It All About the Heart

November 21, 2021 • Pastor Tony Stewart • Proverbs 3:9, Malachi 3:10, Malachi 3:8–10, Matthew 25:29, Matthew 6:21

The Bible says to honor the Lord with your wealth and with your first fruits. As Christians it’s easy to put our priority in money and miss the whole reason why God commands us to tithe. In today's message we are taught that when you learn to manage your finances well it always multiplies and when you put God first everything else falls into place.

More from The Best Life

The Double Portion

November 28, 2021 • Pastor Joe Dobbins • Matthew 6:26, Romans 8:29, Hebrews 12:23, Deuteronomy 21:15–18, Matthew 14:14–20

This week, Special guest Pastor Joe Dobbins stopped by to helps us end our series “The Best Life”. In this last installment we learn that God created us to be a conduit of His blessings and wants nothing more than to bless us with a double portion; not so that we can have more stuff, but rather so He can work through us to reach others.

It Starts in the House

November 14, 2021 • Pastor Tony Stewart • Matthew 7:24–27, Psalm 37:4, Matthew 25:29, Proverbs 24:3–4, Galatians 6:7

A house built on shifting sand always leads to destruction in our lives. In todays message, we begin to ask the question: “What does God need to work on in me so that I am able to step into the best life that He has for me”? We learn that the best life is actually living a blessed life that all starts with God’s presence being invited and residing in our homes.