
Part 1

February 5, 2017 • Pastor Tony Stewart

In this life-changing series, Pastors Tony and Kaci Stewart tag-team teach and share a relevant message about God's #lovegoals for our lives and how we can accomplish them.

Living in a world where Love has become decaffeinated and lost its potency, we must remember that the highest level of true love was expressed on the cross. God didn't just love us, He SO loved us - enough to die for us - so we could love like He does. And because of God's agape love, all other types of love - family love, friendship love, or romantic love - are made complete. Each of those are different types of love God created, but none of those can bring the complete healing that God's unconditional, agape, love can.

God's #lovegoal for your life is that you would operate in His love - a love that forgives the unforgivable, frees the fearful, restores the broken, and speaks life to a lost and hurting world. When you do that, your life will become complete and whole.

Another of God's #lovegoals is that as you live out the love of God in your life, you will take time to help cultivate the gifts God has placed in the lives of others. Remember, love is a verb that "does" for others - it grows, it gives, and it goes. No matter who they are or where they live, you must reach out in love to others, and change the world one life at a time.

This encouraging and uplifting series will remind you of how much you are loved and motivate you to love like you never have before.