
The Frailty of Faith

Genesis 12:10-20

September 17, 2023 • Leo Schuster

We don't believe or disbelieve in a vacuum. The stuff of life---the good, bad, and ugly-- always affects the way we process spiritual things. How do we live with more stability so we're not subject to our cirucmstances?

Journeying On

November 26, 2023 • Clint Wilson

The power of grace does not eras our past, but rather re-forms it, transforming who we were into who we are called to be. Free from shame and redeemed by God's undying love, the chorus of scripture's song is that there are no lost causes with God.

The Limping Wrestler

November 19, 2023 • Leo Schuster

With this mysterious story, our series reaches its dramatic climax. Jacob's wrestling with God encapsulates his life and signals his transformation. It also helps us appreciate how we can grow into healthier versions of ourselves. 

Searing Love

November 12, 2023 • Anna Russell Thornton

One of the most subversive elements of Scripture is the way the Lord elevates and cares for women. This passage might be read as a story about a man and his two wives; but it is also a story about God drawing a beloved daughter close, choosing her to serve his plan to redeem the world.