
Christmas is for Everyone

All Age Carol Christmas Eve Eve Eve...Service

December 19, 2021

It is time once again for our All Age Carol service full of singing, dancing, parody songs and drama as we tell the story of Christmas CityChurch style! The CityChurch band also has some special Christmas arrangements to share.


December 12, 2021 • Matt Hemsley • Isaiah 9:2–7

Every year pastors all over America wonder how to fight back against the rampant commercialization of Christmas. Rightly so, you might say! But what if we might be missing something in pushing back…that a true understanding of 'gift' is actually fundamental to the Christmas story!

The Gift of Giving

December 5, 2021 • Mark Bailey • Isaiah 58

Introducing Mark Bailey, candidate for lead pastor. He is continuing our Christmas sermon series with a talk on the gift of giving.

Christmas is for Everyone

November 28, 2021 • Matt Hemsley • Isaiah 55

Have you ever asked yourself what the point of Christmas is? Not just the day as we know it, the gifts, the friends, the family, the food. But why did the birth of Jesus happen at all? In the first of our series ‘Christmas is for Everyone,’ we’re going to explore that question through the eyes of Israel’s great prophet, Isaiah.