
Who Do You Say Christ Is?

Matthew 16:13-19

November 24, 2019 • Tamara Burdon

We have authority in the Kingdom of Heaven! The "key" that unlocks this authority is our position in Christ. The talk this week will explain how the kingdom of God gives us full authority individually and corporately to "bind and loose" the world around us.

Field of Dreams Promo

October 26, 2019

The Mystery of the Hidden Treasure

October 27, 2019 • Al Hardy

Jesus tells us the Kingdom of God is like treasure hidden in a field. But what is that treasure? and why is it so valuable? In this talk, we answer both questions & start our own journey to find that treasure for ourselves.

Worship: The Key to Finding the Kingdom

November 10, 2019 • Al Hardy

In this talk, we challenge you to explore the true nature of worship and invite you, along with the rest of the church, to 'ascend' through worship into the very presence of Jesus himself.