
Idolatry...the BIG Kingdom Killer!

Ezekiel 16

February 10, 2020 • Al Hardy

If we want to see God move powerfully in our lives then, sooner or later we have to get real about idolatry. In this talk, we look at Ezekiel's extraordinary prophecy on this topic, we consider how idolatry impacts our lives today and we grasp the hope and power available for us in Jesus.

The Heart of Worship

February 2, 2020 • Al Hardy

Worship lies at the very heart of all Jesus is doing in our church right now. In this talk, as we start a series from the book of Ezekiel, we shall therefore explore some key http://questions...what does lie at the heart of worship? and what does that mean for us as we seek to experience more of Jesus? Text: Ezekiel 1:1-9, 15-18, 22-28 & 3:4-15

Who Will Stand in the Gap?

February 16, 2020 • Tamara Burdon

Let's face it, without Jesus standing in the gap for our sin, none of us would be able to experience the abundant life. And that is why we worship him. This week we will focus on what it means for us to stand in the gap by being a living sacrifice for God!

The River of Life: Hope that Calls us Deeper!

February 23, 2020 • Al Hardy

In this talk, we look at Ezekiel's vision of the River of Life. We explore not just the incredible hope that this brings us but also the call that it carries to go deeper and deeper in our faith as a response. We ask: How do we do that? and what will happen as we do?