
Kingdom Fire Worship

April 25, 2021 • Matt Hemsley

Worship is so much more than a couple of songs before the talk. It’s a taste of the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven! Because the Kingdom never advances on earth without spiritual opposition, creating space for worship is something we need to fight for, in our churches and in our lives.

Staying Spiritually Hot Through Life's Storms

May 2, 2021 • Niki Hardy

When we are going through hard times, it is easy for our spiritual fire to slowly fade. Looking at what the disciples did right, wrong and what they believed when a storm threatened to drown them, Niki helps us regain our faith and spiritual fire no matter what life's thrown at us.

Choosing Faith Over Comfort

April 18, 2021 • Josh Meadows

We can never experience the adventure of faith, the very life that Jesus has called us too, when we are too safe and too comfortable. Today, choose to take that step, have that talk, go to that neighborhood, choose to walk in faith.

Re-Igniting Your Spiritual Fire

April 11, 2021 • Al Hardy

Reflecting on his past 15 years as a Pastor, Al shares the one thing that he has seen quash our spirituality more than anything else. What is it? Are we willing to address it and if so, how can we do that so we can re-ignite our spiritual fire at this time!